punjab Online shopping store


Telebrand Store is Pakistan's first internet shopping place that ideas round the year Telebrand on marked electronic products to end clients. Cell phones, tablets, workstations, cameras, wellness contraptions and a scope of different things alongside related extras are accessible at chopped down costs.

In the realm of web based shopping we have 10 or more long periods of experience serving singular customers and retailers in Pakistan just as in the global market, this tremendous experience enable us to buy quality electronic products and after that offer them to our customers on costs not substantial on their pockets. online shopping in pakistan

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We Sell Our Own Stock

Not at all like other web based shopping outlets we don't depend exclusively on merchandise recorded by different sellers. Our top need is to sell what we have physically accessible in our very own stock purchased globally from approved wholesalers. This is the prime explanation for Telebrand costs and credibility of the items that we sell. What couple of sellers that fit the bill to list their items on our site need to carefully meet our quality and value control criteria. online shopping in pakistan

What Is Telebrand ?

Everything at essentially discounted costs contrasted with some other internet business store in Pakistan. Notwithstanding our normal concessions, on events we offer insane arrangements giving you further chances to set aside cash. In this way, keep in contact!


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